After two meetings with the President of MMT, we knew this was a business we could help get to that next level.

Where to Start?
First order of business was to get them a website up and running. If you don’t have a website for your business, have one made! I am not saying talking about it on social media won’t receive any leads, but any serious company will have a web presence. We packed up, and drove out to their compound to get some photos and some information needed to flesh out the website. Check out the site at
Speaking of social media... there was none. We got them setup with some pages, went over how to use them and got them started with some content to post. We do offer social media page management, but being a young company they are going to tackle that themselves.
A brochure to mail out, and headshots for business cards were also a must.
Finally our favorite part. They wanted a short sizzle video to send out in email advertisements and social media ads. We had a good time shooting some video and getting to know all the staff. Check out the results below!
We Want You to Succeed
Every company has different needs and different budgets to work with. Whether we are doing a huge project for a thriving company or something small scale for someone just starting out, we always do our best to maximize the value we bring. Our clients success is important to us. Our aim is to make you money and help solve problems in a creative way,